It’s a new year, time for marketing resolutions!
Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be exploring the most exciting marketing trends of 2016. I asked some of the brightest minds in multifamily to share their thoughts on what they are looking forward to trying next. In the spirit of New Years, I asked these leaders….
What’s your 2016 marketing resolution?

Sarah Greenough
Chief Marketing Officer, Princeton Properties Management
Shake things up!
I try regularly to evaluate my advertising and marketing decisions to make sure I am doing things that I truly believe are in the best interest of my company and not just because “that’s the way it’s always been done.”
I find we, as marketers, often have legacy ad sources in place due to apathy, fear, or nostalgia. The only way to really figure out if something is working or not is to test that theory. Don’t be afraid to change up your media channels, this will reveal what is working well. Always try to create as much revenue as possible while spending the least amount of money to do so. It’s quite a complex game, but I really love it.

Bill Szczytko
Director of Leasing Operations, WC Smith
Continue to make yourself relevant
Don’t back yourself into a corner. Continue to make yourself relevant. Don’t be afraid to STOP, regroup, and do something else, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Sometimes, being uncomfortable is good for you. 2015 was a really big year for me as I changed jobs and titles. It’s been a rewarding but stressful experience. Often, if all you can be is in the corner, it’s time to move on. Nobody puts Bill in the corner.

Laurel Zacher
Director of Marketing, Weidner Apartment Homes
To take a deep(er) dive into analytics
I’m all about analytics, and we have certainly made great strides in consistency of measurement at Weidner. That being said, my resolution is to get even deeper into analytics in 2016, on both a macro and micro level in order to see the relationships between data sets. For example, exactly how is blogging affecting traffic AND leases AND SEO AND social sharing for us? Now multiply that by about 12 different initiatives and we’ll have a good start : )

Melanie Ling
Director of Digital Marketing
Redefine ‘Living Space’
To make better decisions and get better at the basics. By that I mean, with all the options for newer, bigger, brighter in marketing and digital – there’s a lot to be said for being really good at the simple stuff.
Clear & beautiful property photos/video, solid & prompt follow up to prospects, providing exceptional service to existing residents. I think often when a property is lagging in a lease up, there is a rush to spend more to get more. But chances are there are quite a few leads that need converting (unless traffic is at a halt which is a different matter).
In terms of digital, I’ve love to produce more content based on real demographic data. Knowing where people are coming from and what they’re looking for in a neighborhood is important.
Note: I said neighborhood and not apartment; because tastes and interiors style is ever evolving – butday to day living I would argue is just as, or almost more, important that what kind of countertops you have. You could have the most decked out space ever! But how much fun is that if you have no where to go and nothing social to do. To feed your soul.
I feel passionate not about selling an apartment, but the holistic experience of living in the area. I want to give people the opportunity for an orientation to the city and their life in it.

Sharah G. Connor
Community Manager, Equity Residential
Stand out from the crowd

Summer Austin
Director of Strategic Marketing, Camden
Don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress!
That pretty much says it all, right?
All excellent goals! Do you agree? Anything you would add? Comment below and share how you plan to conquer 2016!