5 Most Popular Get Apartmental Posts of 2016

five most popular apartment marketing blog posts of 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to the readers of Get Apartmental.

This year, more than ever, I truly appreciate your readership, support, and encouragement. Many of you have reached out to let me know how I’ve helped your marketing team, and that’s especially rewarding.

Others have reached out with words of support and solidarity, and I can’t begin to put into words how grateful I am for that.

Others of you have written to debate my opinions, and you know what? I LOVE that the most! None of us are right all the time, and it’s from (respectful) debates that we learn. And that’s why this blog is here…so all of us can learn, together.

So, thank you for helping me grow. I hope I’ve inspired at least some of you to do the same.

In case you missed them, here are 5 of this year’s most popular posts:

1. The True Value of Follow-up

Numbers don’t lie. This post is the first thing I send to any associate slacking on their follow-up game. Eight sounds excessive, but a little extra effort leads to major ROI.

2. Marketing Trends to Stay in the Know

You guys loved hearing from Industry Rockstars like Elaine Williams and Sarah Greenough, and it’s no wonder why! These ladies never cease to amaze. Seems like it’s probably time to catch up with them and hear what their plan is to dominate in 2017!

3. Staying Top of Mind and Top of Inbox

This email was one of those epic posts where I just couldn’t shut up! I must’ve had an extra espresso that day! It was really rewarding to see it get picked up by Zest and get a second wind in the fall! Re-reading it, made me realize how much of my own advice I need to start heeding.

4. How to Increase Your Open Rates

Email marketing was certainly a theme in 2016. It’s funny how old technologies can get brushed off for the shiny new marketing buzzword. At the end of the day, email continues to be the most efficient and cost-effective way to reach your customers.

5. Farewell Summer

This was obviously a departure from the typical Get Apartmental post, but I truly do value those of you that open and read these emails every week. I felt like your loyalty as a reader warranted an explanation of my absence. It also was a very small way to honor a great friend, and I appreciate the outpouring of personal emails and sharing of your memories of Summer.

I am so excited for what’s ahead in 2017.  What are you interested in reading about next?

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