6 Magical Ways to Refresh your Workspace

Why do I need a workspace refresh?

Many people think that after getting a job, lives will get easier. But unfortunately, that is not true. Workspace stress is a real thing, believe it or not. Many people face a lot of stress and anxiety in a workspace which poses a threat to their mental and physical health. Some studies tell us that young workers, women, and those who work in low-level or low-skilled jobs have a higher stress level. 

Workspace stress or stressors

There are two types of workspace stress. They are physical and psychosocial.

  • Physical stress or stressors may include poor lighting, background noise, un-flexible working hours, sometimes working for 6 hours and sometimes working for more than 8 hours, and ergonomic factors such as awkward postures, bending, short rest breaks, etc. 
  • Psychosocial stress is the one that affects the individual the most, and these may include high job demands, harassment, bullying, job insecurity, etc.

Here are the leading causes that contribute to workspace stress:


Some companies dump the majority of the work on a single person. Overwork causes the employee to burn out, and they continue to work for long hours. Some of the companies even give a small deadline to complete the task.

Lack of Recognition

Some employees don’t feel valued even though they do a lot of work and contribute a lot to the company. Lack of recognition is upsetting and leads to a lack of motivation to do the job.


Harassment is the most common workspace stressor out there. Many women and even men experience this. It makes the employees resign. If you are feeling that you are being bullied/harassed, please take steps to protect yourselves. Report the incident or share it with concerned authorities and supportive kin.

Interpersonal or Personality Conflicts

When there are interpersonal conflicts at work, things get awkward. At times, we have to work with a person we dislike, impacting the task. Some employees even have a conflict with their supervisor, which can be bad for the employees if not corrected.

Make your workspace more efficient and Refreshing.

Now, enough with the workspace stress. Let’s take a look at how a person can improve or refresh their workspace—feeling good about where you work matters a lot. People spend an average of 45 hours per week working. So, it is beneficial for our mind and body to improve/refresh our workspace. Here are the best ways that I have found that are effective to enhance your workspace:

Add some small plants.

Adding plants to our space makes us feel happier and more productive. It also refreshes our thoughts. The idea is to create a pleasant atmosphere. Don’t make it shabby by adding more plants.

Declutter your Workspace

In simple words decluttering is a process of removing something that is no longer valuable or important. If your drawers or desk are filled with documents or paperwork, this will stifle productivity. To avoid this, declutter the paper. Declutter paperwork is an essential part of making our workspace tidy and clean. Try going digital and minimize the amount of paperwork. Here are some ways to declutter your workspace:

  • Schedule daily
  • Go through Your paperwork or files
  • Clean your computer
  • Start putting your items in their respective places

Figure out what Inspires you

Every person’s brain works differently. We should maintain our space in a way that makes us want to work. Also, choose something or someone that inspires you to do your best work daily.

Take Breaks

At times, you may feel tired by working all day. So, take a 10-minute break for every hour or two, listen to music, play some games, etc. A ten-minute break cheers you up and gives your brain a chance to reset. Also, if you want to rest, try listening to Binaural beats. Honestly, these sounds do relax you. I have tried it. Also, set aside some time for self-care.

Decorate your workspace walls

You can decorate your workspace by adding some thoughts or sayings that will inspire and encourage you. Put up something that is motivational and pushes you to be productive.

Make your workspace as comfortable as possible.

To make your space feel homely, you can put some photos of family, pets, etc. Make your area colorful so that even if you feel low, it can brighten you up. The colors that surround us also affect our moods.

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