Tips For Moving With A Dog
Moving is already hard enough, let alone moving with a pet. It can make any sane person feel hectic and irritated. This is not just the case with humans, but for dogs as well. It is as hard for animals to adjust to a new home as it is for us humans. These playful creatures are unaware of the struggle of moving, but they do feel stressed out from all the traveling and adjusting to new surroundings and might demand extra attention every now and then.
As their caretakers, it is our responsibility to make their journey to a new home as comfortable as possible. However, one good thing about dogs is that they are highly adaptable and can quickly adjust to new people and places.
For them, home is where you are. So, here are 7 tips that will help you make moving with a dog a little less painful for everyone involved.
Familiarize your dog with the moving supplies before moving day
If you don’t want to scare your dog with tape and cardboard boxes, then condition them to the moving supplies before you begin your packing. For them, it could be just another playful act but to get them familiar with the entire process of moving you need to let them sniff around and examine, so when moving time arrives they are not much surprised.
While packing keep in mind to keep all the boxes organized in a room, so your dog doesn’t scratch or eat away the bubble wrap and cardboard boxes when you’re away from home. Also, when packing your belongings, pack all of your dog’s essentials in separate, well-labeled boxes. Treating them as one of the family members will make moving easier. and having their favorite toys and treats easily accessible will help ease the transition. For dogs, smells is a huge factor. To get the furry ball familiar with your new home, take them out for a walk somewhere near your new house and help get them used to the new environment.
Stick to your daily routine to maintain consistency
When you’re preparing to move to a new home or town, time is bound to act strangely. Suddenly you’ll find yourself occupied until 3 am shuffling through wardrobes, packing and labeling boxes. Humans might eventually get used to the sudden routine changes, but dogs are more structured and organized and feed off of your energy. Prepare a schedule for them and help them adjust before their routine disrupts. Try your level best to stick to the same plan.
Even if you are busy with packing, pay attention to your dog’s routine with regards to bathroom breaks, meal time and daily walks.
Help your dog expend pent-up energy with some extra exercise
If you want your dog to stay calm on the day of moving, it is recommended that you encourage some additional physical activity. Exercise will not only boost their physical health but also improve their mental health and exhaust them for the move ahead. If your dog is utilizing more of his energy exercising and chasing a Frisbee, there are more chances of it to stay calm and relaxed. If you’re too busy to take your dog out for a walk, ask your neighbor or a professional dog walker. Helping them release their energy is crucial as it will help prevent them from acting out on moving day.
Hire a dog sitter for moving day
Of course, there will be loads of stuff to take care of, and it is better if you let a professional residential mover take care of the packing and moving instead of doing it all yourself.
On the other hand, one favor you can do for your dog is to get them relocated on the day of moving. A panicked dog could be dangerous and distracting to have present while doors are left open and heavy object are being moved. Even if your dog is comfortable with the whole moving process, getting them out of the picture will help you do the packing and moving faster.
Ask a neighbor or a friend to look after them for a day or ask a professional dog walker to take them to the park. Once you’re all settled in the new house, you can bring in your dog and introduce them to the new home.
Exercise patience and compassion with your dog throughout the process
Moving can be tough and emotional for both you and your dog. It doesn’t matter if you’ve moved to a new apartment before, you will feel the same rush of emotions every time you shift! While you may express it by shedding a tear or two, your dog has a different way of showing it.
Don’t be surprised if they exhibit more frequent barking, neediness, whining, and other discouraging behavior on the day of your move or the first few weeks of settling into the new house. Instead of responding with anger and yelling at your dog, remember your dog is as confused and nervous about the new place as you are. The least you can do is be empathetic towards them. Animals cannot talk or express how they are feeling, and they rely on their caretakers to look out for their best interests during this time.
Find little ways to inject some fun into your move
To make moving a little more enjoyable, stimulate your dog’s mind to tire them, leave them little treats, or surprise them with a new toy to distract them from the chaos. You can always lighten their mood with new toys and brain games to keep them interactive. If your dog is excessively anxious all the time, you could also ask the vet to prescribe anti-anxiety medication to help calm your pet.
Create a welcoming environment and establish structure and routine in your new living space
Fitting into a new environment can be difficult for some pets. However, if you arrange their place in the house, set up their sleeping area and maintain their sleeping, eating and exercise habits, this will help them get accustomed to the new home more quickly.
Set up designated places for their feeding and sleeping areas and show them around the rest of the house, too. Adjusting to a new home will be an entirely new experience for your dog, but by following these steps, you will make the process a lot easier and smoother for your dog and yourself.

Rachael Everly
Rachael Everly is a passionate blogger who loves to write about trending topics, particularly in the tech sector. She is a featured author for various top-notch blogs such as Forbes, Inman and others. For all the updates, follow her on Twitter @RachaelEverly.