Conference Season: Apartment Marketing Education

Hooray! It’s conference season! Earlier this month we participated in the National Apartment Association’s Capitol Conference in our hometown of Washington, DC.  It was so great to see so many of our favorite people all focused on driving the multifamily industry forward.  It also got us excited about seeing everyone else in the coming months!  We’ve been asked a couple of times which conferences we will be attending, so we figured we would do a quick roundup of where we will be getting our apartment marketing education this conference season.  If you are going to attend, please let us know so we can catch up!  If you haven’t signed up yet, use the links in this email…some have discount codes included!


A Local Warm Up

April 6th is just around the corner and that means it’s time for Property Management Association’s Expo.  This year it will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in DC.  Holli is super stoked to be on a panel with Bozzuto’s Kelley Shannon and ForRent’s Ansley Sudderth giving the inside scoop on our social media strategy. We also can’t wait to see Cindy Clare discuss PMA’s newly formed Women’s Council and hear from Zappos Insight’s Jon Wolske.  Entrance to the PMA expo is free. There is a $125 fee to attend the seminars.

Location : Washington, DC
Cost: $125
Registration Link :
Come Say Hi: Holli’s session is Successful Social Media Practices


We’re going back to Cali

We are counting down the days until AIM {Apartment Internet Marketing} conference for a number of reasons.  We, admittedly nerd out when it comes to human behavior, so we cannot wait to hear keynote, Adam Alter talk behavioral psychology and decision making!  This conference is a solid three days of marketing intel and case studies from the front lines.  You can see the full schedule here.

Also, let’s be honest, this conference is in Huntington Beach! Holli + Maddie + Salt Water +Beach Sand= Anything could happen.  The sound of waves and feeling of sand between our toes directly corresponds to inspiration and brainstorming.  We’re definitely going to conduct a beachside #MintyMastermind and you’re invited!  Haven’t registered yet?

Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Cost: $795
Registration Link:
Come Say Hi: Holli’s session is Consumer Neuroscience and Marketing Effectiveness


The New Kid on the Block: Landlord Webcon

For all of you who can’t make the trip to the west coast, fear not! There is a new and relatively unknown conference available for you, too. Landlord WebCon was founded 8 years ago.  It initially served just the Canadian market, but now the content is just as applicable to US multifamily marketing.  For those of you intrigued by the idea of video marketing, Sunny Lenarduzzi is someone you definitely want to hear! She’s a YouTube rockstar with over 1.9 million video views.

Of course, after her recent adventures in development, we’re also stoked to hear from Kate Good.  And our friend Jen Piccotti from Satisfacts will also be taking the stage. The conference is in Niagara Falls, Canada (We know! Niagara Falls??? That’s where our parents went for their honeymoon!)  But you actually fly into Buffalo, New York and we’re going a day early to check out the sites.  The hotels are only $113/night and the conference is only $450/person…need another reason to check it out?  Use this code MINTY for an extra $50 off your registration!

Location: Niagara Falls, Canada
Cost: $450
Registration Link:
Come Say Hi: Maddie is talking about Pinterest:
Holli is talking about New Construction Marketing
Discount Code: MINTY

The Big Show: National Apartment Association Education Conference


We cannot begin to tell you how excited we are about NAA this year!  I mean come on, San Francisco??  It is one of Holli’s favorite towns for walking food tours! Want to join her? {Give her a shout and get on the list!} The Game Changer speakers are really intriguing this year.  We love that three of the five speakers are former executives from startup success stories {Netflix, Buzzfeed, Airbnb} The breakout sessions look pretty stellar, too.  You can bet we’ll be taking notes in the Created Equal: Leads Aren’t Lottery Tickets session and the Design Matters: Design’s Impact on Multifamily, too!   This is our favorite way to earn or CEC’s!  The expo floor is where you will hear about all the new innovations that companies are coming out with.  I love walking the floor in awe of all the products that serve the multifamily niche!  Need another reason to go? How about a $50 off discount code? See below!


Location: San Francisco, CA
Cost: $825
Registration Link:
Come Say Hi: Holli’s session is: It’s Not Just a Review. It’s Free Market Research on Thursday at 11:30AM
Discount Code: EDCONSPKR {Act fast-this is only good until April 15th!}


Conference Crush: Marketing Nation Summit

If we could go to any conference, this is the one we would be attending. Sadly, it is overlapping with WebCon, so we can’t be there in person, but a little birdy told us they are working on a live feed option…if that is true, you better believe we will be tuned in all day long!  Look at these sessions and keynotes!  This is the stuff that makes our content creating hearts swoon!  The conference is taking place in Las Vegas and is $1500 a person so it’s a major investment, but I’m guessing every attendee walks away with their brains bubbling with takeaways!

So that’s where we’ll be the next few months…if you’ll be there, too let’s meet up! Now it’s your turn to share, what are your go-to education sources?

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