Bellhops: A Fresh Take On Moving

At Apartminty, we’re all about making your life easier by approaching things in a new way.  We’re here to offer you a better and totally different way to find your next apartment, not just give you more of the same.  When we were first introduced to Bellhops, we were thrilled to have befriended another company with a similar mindset offering a fresh take on moving.  While Apartminty can find you an awesome new place to call home, we are light-weights and cannot (ok, will not) carry that 5050-poundox of books for you.  Luckily, the Bellhops can…and you can beckon them with the tap of a finger.

The service works like this:   

When you’re ready to move, pull up their website or app and tell them what you need: loading help, unloading help or help with the whole move.  Tell them what city you’re in, how many Bellhops you need and how long you think the move will take and you’ll get an estimated cost for your move.  That’s about the time when you’ll start to crack a big old smile.

Because Bellhops was designed for small scale moves on an equally small budget, they can offer a price to match.  Instead of dealing with moving companies that force you to pay for the full package, you’re able to simply pick and choose what you need, a la carte and on demand.

While asking a couple of friends to help with your move might seem like the most affordable option out there, how reliable are they really?  We love our friends too, but let’s be serious.  Bellhops offers a happy medium to keep your bank account and coffee table intact.  Your movers are licensed and insured college students rolling up their sleeves to help pay their tuition.  Double the reason to feel good about hiring a Bellhop or 2!

We asked co-founder Cameron to take a few minutes and tell us a little bit more:

Ready to book your Bellhops? Click here now to get $20 off your move!

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