Decorating With Faux Plants: An Amazon Shopping Guide

The Best Faux Plants You Can Buy On Amazon Right Now

There are few things that breathe life into a space better than fresh, live plant.  Lush greenery can make your apartment feel more welcoming and calming, but maintaining live plants is not a task all people are capable of or interested in.  Whether you travel often, have a busy schedule or simply possess a black thumb, faux plants may be the best bet for you and your home.  When you think of faux plants, you may imagine tacky, plastic-looking eye-sores, but luckily for all of us, faux plants have come a long way in the past few years.  Just take a look at the collection of beautiful options below that can all be at your door in two days with Amazon Prime:

Faux Boston Fern

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Boston Fern

Faux Boxwood Topiary

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Boxwood Topiary

Faux Mini Green Grass & Flowers

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Mini Grass & Flowers

Faux Philodendron Hanging Basket

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Philodendron Hanging Basket
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Faux Tabletop Plants In Glass Pots

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Tabletop Plants In Glass Pots

Faux Lemon Tree Topiary

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Lemon Tree Topiary

Faux Succulent Trio in White Ceramic Vases

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Succulent Trio In White Ceramic Pots

Faux Cactus Garden In Cement Planter

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Cactus Garden In Cement Planter

Faux Snake Plant In Black Planter

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Snake Plant

Faux Fiddle Leaf Tree

Decorating With Faux Plants | Faux Fiddle Leaf Tree
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