Make The Most of The Season With This Fall Bucket List

The heatwave of Summer has passed and the Winter chill has yet to set in! Make the most of the beautiful Fall season with this list of all our favorite Fall activities:


Apartminty Fall Bucket List | Great Fall Activities for Apartment Dwellers

Make mulled wine

This couldn’t be easier to put together but it feels fancy and will make you sleep like a baby.  We love this kit. 

Pick up a new snuggly sweater

We all have our favorite Fall sweaters that we look forward to breaking out each year, but why not pick up a nice and clean new one that you can wear to the office and still look polished?

Buy yourself some Halloween candy

Whether you’re a sucker for the traditional trick-or-treat goodies or prefer to indulge in something more sophisticated, go ahead and treat yo’ self.

Stomp some crunchy leaves

Maybe she’s alone in this one, but there are few things Maddie finds more satisfying than the crunch of a dry leaf under her favorite boots!

Get a pedicure in a new Fall shade

Those little piggies are going to be stuck in boots for a long few months so treat them to a little love and a fresh coat: we’re thinking a nice emerald green or pumpkin shade!

Stay warm on an afternoon stroll with some hot cider spiked with bourbon

Throw on a light jacket and fill a travel mug with hot cider and your favorite bourbon or rum.  Our fave is Buffalo Trace.

Pick up a seasonally scented candle

We can’t wait to get our hands on this Whiskey and Ginger Ale candle from Crate & Barrel!  We really like whiskey, ok?

Have a pumpkin ale tasting party at home with friends

Some of our favorite nights involve inviting over a few friends for a beer or wine tasting.  Simply set a theme for the night (IPA’s, dark ales, seasonal selections) and ask everyone to bring a bottle or two (depending on how many people are involved) of a couple different varieties.  Enjoy just a couple sips of each and by the end of the night you’re guaranteed to have a new favorite!

Rake a pile of leaves…then jump in it

No chore has to be a bore if you can find a way to have a little fun with it! This one is easy: raking leaves doesn’t seem so bad when you can let your inner child out for a bit.

Spend a Sunday reading a great book

Staying in bed or curling up in your favorite chair with a hot cup of tea or coffee and a good book is one of the simplest pleasures in life.  Need some recommendations?

Take a mini roadtrip to view the changing leaves

Whether you just head out for an afternoon drive or make a weekend of it, there is just something so magical and worthwhile about taking time to watch the seasons change.

Test out a hearty soup recipe

We await soup season like kids await Christmas morning!  A few of our faves here, here and here.


Ready to find your next apartment?

Cuddle by a fireplace (or under a blanket)

If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, use it!  If not, light a few candles and fake it.

Have a viewing party for your favorite show’s Thanksgiving episode

Most shows put out pretty great specials around the holidays.  Have a Friendsgiving viewing party of sorts once the turkey coma has worn off and catch up on all the good stuff!

Take in a vibrant Fall sunset

Here in Washington, DC, some of the most amazing sunsets happen in the Fall months as the weather is changing.  We know it’s easy to hibernate once the days get shorter but at least get yourself to the window and shut out all distractions for a few minutes and really appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature at work.

Roast pumpkin seeds

There are so many great ways to enjoy pumpkin seeds, plus they’re full of Magnesium, omega-3 fats and Zinc- perfect for boosting your immune system as we head into cold season.

Go for a hike

Whether you prefer high intensity or low impact, connecting with nature is truly grounding and we can all benefit from some fresh, crisp air in our lungs.

Go to a football game (even if it’s just for the tailgating)

Get all geared up for your team or just up your game with some tailgating recipes- either way, you’re sure to have a blast.

Get lost in a corn maze

Corn mazes might seem a little childish, but I dare you not to giggle as you try and race your way to the exit!  Make the most of the experience with a fun, casual photoshoot with friends.

Try a new Thanksgiving recipe

Traditional is wonderful and you don’t have to change a thing, but why not try adding something new to the mix this year?

Put on your rain boots and jump in a puddle

Talk a friend into doing it with you if you don’t want to look silly, but we promise once you get into it, you won’t care what anyone around you is thinking!

Donate to a local food bank

Let’s not forget the spirit of the season: giving thanks for what we have and sharing our abundance.  Find a food bank close to you here.

Enjoy breakfast in bed

Take your time getting out of bed this weekend…and when you do get up, make yourself your favorite breakfast and crawl right back under the covers!


What else is on your Fall Bucket List?

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