Are We Doing Resolutions This Year?

Almost half of Americans make resolutions.  Sadly, only 8% stick to them.  Here’s the good news, 30 days in,  64% of those that made resolutions are still going strong and it really isn’t until six months in that you start to see a big drop off.  So, what’s so hard about these things that we can’t stick to them?  According to psychologists, there’s a few things. First of all, we tend to be a bit overly optimistic.  We tackle big daunting tasks without having tools, a plan or any accountability.  Second, one year is a really long time.  At some point around the 6 month mark, we need a reward because fatigue has sunk in.

So, while we can’t be there to cheer you on in person, we are big believers that improvement and goals are good for the soul.  Here are a couple tips and tools to keep you on track for some of the most popular resolutions.

  1. Drink More Water
    1. App-Plant Nanny.  This sweet little app reminds you to drink throughout the day.  You can customize it based on the size of the water bottle/glass you use.  The alerts buzz through similar to an appointment reminder. As you drink, you are watering a plant.  So if you don’t drink you watch a plant shrivel up and die.  It’s kind of morbid, but a great accountability tool!
  2. Be More Organized
    1. App-If it’s about your daily to-do list, try 24 Me.  Even though it’s an app, you still get the accomplishment of scratching things off the list
  3. Save More Money
    1. App-Acorns is something I found recently.  It’s a twist on the round up savings that many banks already do.  With Acorns, once you round up amount hits $5, the money is transferred from your bank into an investment account.  So, your money is working for you.  Now, as you know, there is risk with investing, but if you choose the low risk investments you’re likely to have more saved at the end of the year than if you had just sticking the money in your basic savings account.
  4. Exercise More
    1. APP-Zombies, Run! Okay, so this app is totally ridiculous, but I love it.  Basically, it inserts you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.  You hear bits of the story while you are on your run…and every once in a while you start getting chased by zombies which means you need to sprint!!! The app taps into your music so when you aren’t hearing the story, your tunes are playing. It’s an entertaining way to get your interval training in and you can compete with others. {My brother and I used this for a while and it’s just plain fun.}


 Exercise is a VERY popular resolution, so I have three proven tricks that I used for keeping my exercise resolution that I’ll share with you.  First, choose an event to participate in that is a bit of a stretch for you.  That could be a 5k or a marathon or a tough mudder.  If you sign up for an event, you’re likely to stay on track with that goal.  More so if you tie to a charity and start requesting donations.  {That’s an awful lot of accountability!!!} Second, plan a trip that will force you to be in a bathing suit.  Just knowing I’m going to be walking around on a beach in four months gives me the will power to bypass the goodies in the office kitchen!  Finally, hire a personal trainer.  I know this is expensive, but having appointments set and a financial investment will  get you to the gym.  A personal trainer is not your friend and will not let you slack off.  The good news about that is you will see results quicker than you ever imagined!

5. Find Life Balance

  1. APP-Mindfulness.  Especially if you are a newbie to meditation, this app is a dream.  There are 3, 5, 15, and 30 minute guided meditations. So you can work your way up gradually.  The three minute one is also great for beating back your internal excuse of “I don’t have time”.  You have three minutes….I promise.


6. Read More/Watch TV less

  1. APP-GoodReads  I just discovered this app in the past year and love it.  Similar to the Netflix formula, as you read books and rate them, it suggests other books you may like.  I love looking back and seeing what I have read…and it’s super handy when someone asks that question, “Read anything good lately?”
  2. Join our book club!  Follow along with our hashtag #FreshBooks on Insta and Twitter and Pinterest. We love to hear your thoughts and read your favorites!

So there you have it!  We’re here for your accountability!  Take a pic and Hashtag your resolution #FreshYear.  We’ll be here to cheer you on and maybe even send you some rewards to keep you on track!


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