Risk Taker of the Week: Robin Nicholson

Robin Nicholson

Age: 55
Luxury Real Estate Professional

As Holli’s big sister and Maddie’s mom, we’re only a little biased when it comes to Robin.  Trust us when we say that just one glass of wine with her and you’re sure to see what a hard-working, determined, resilient, kind and giving woman she is.  After putting herself through nursing school then raising 2 kids, she decided to start her own company with a close friend providing personalized in-home meal prep for the busy bees of the professional world.  Little did she know that a chance encounter would soon turn her into one of those busy bees.  After preparing a particularly delicious orzo dish for a client, the client soon shared with her sister Melanie, owner of a local luxury real estate firm, who just had to meet the chef.  For the past ten years, Robin has worked along side Melanie on some of the biggest (and most challenging!) real estate deals in Rhode Island and feels blessed for the tremendous experience.  Now Robin is gearing up to make some serious changes to her life and we’re so excited she’s agreed to share a little of her story with us:

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken so far?
I don’t really think of myself as much of a risk taker. Whenever I have embarked on something new I have been fortunate enough to have been able to rely on my faith and to have good friends and family in support of what I am doing. That said, I began 4 years of nursing school with no idea whether I would have the financial resources to finish and have had a couple of career changes that were challenging, but rewarding.

What inspired you to take this risk?
At this time, I have just left a 10 year position in luxury real estate to pursue something more in line with my present life goals. It is a little daunting not knowing just yet exactly what is ahead – something in the same field or another – but gradually I came to the realization that we have only so much time here, only so many springs and summers, and it is somehow a dishonor to the life we are given to let it go by without appreciating its beauty.

Robin Nicholson | Quote for Worth The Risk

What did you have to overcome to do this?
Fear. Ha ha. That is a big one. I was very fortunate in that I did build a small nest egg that allowed me to make my current decision distinct from future plans. For me that was an important part of honoring my previous work relationships and also making decisions about what could be the remainder of my professional work experience.

What has been the best part of your experience?
In some ways that remains to be seen, but for now, the peace I feel about the decision.

Was there a point when you realized it was worth the risk?
Very quickly I’ve begun to feel real joy again in the simple things in life. That is validating and something I want to keep front of mind in molding the next phase.

What do you want to do next?
Various possibilities are unfolding. Most important to me is contributing to a pleasant, supportive environment where I can be my best and help others to do the same.

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Extraordinary, brilliant…. and modest. Ha ha. Really, I guess I am thoughtful, careful and often a little goofy.

Have you ever felt like giving up? What do you do to overcome that feeling?
I certainly have felt overwhelmed at times, but I can’t say I ever felt like giving up. Faith has been a very important part of my life. It is like a muscle and at times has been pretty well exercised. Also, gratitude…..I have never had to look very far to realize just how fortunate I am.

Do you have a favorite pump-up song?
“Here Comes the Sun”. Loved George, love the song.

Do you have a favorite motivational quote/song lyric?
There is a verse in Matthew about not worrying about life in terms of what you will eat or have to wear. It’s a reminder to not over stress about the physical needs and focus on what you contribute to life.

What advice would you share to anyone considering trying something new?
Prepare yourself. It is an exciting and somewhat romantic notion to break away and follow a new path, but a lot less so when you encounter unexpected difficulties. A little due diligence can go a long way. That said, don’t be afraid of your fear. It will help you ask the right questions, but once those are answered to reasonable satisfaction, it should not keep you from moving forward.

Robin Nicholson | Quote for Worth The Risk

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