How To Not Suck As A Roommate

A Friendly Guide From Holli And Maddie About How To Not Suck As A Roommate

1. Get A Job
Not only do you have a serious sushi habit to support, but you’ve got to be able to pay your rent and bills on time, too.

2. Clean Up Your Act
-do your dishes
-take out the trash
-clean out the shower drain
-throw away your moldy cheese

3. Hit The Town
Don’t be the guy that never leaves the house.  Get off the couch and go socialize with some real, live people.

4. Quit Over-sharing
Seriously, talking about your rash is not good dinner conversation.  You know better.

5. Stop “Borrowing” Things
You’re a big kid now, time to get your own shampoo and shop for your own food.  Plus, it’s not borrowing if you can’t give it back.

6. Keep It Real 
Nobody like a liar, liar pants on fire.  Own up to your messes and mistakes.

7. Speak Your Mind
When troubles arise, don’t play the passive-aggresive game.  Talk things out as you go to avoid a major blowup down the line.

8. Don’t Invite A +1
If your main squeeze has become a mainstay in your apartment, they ought to be paying rent.  Have a little respect for your real rookie.

9. Check In (And Check Out)
Keep your roomie informed of your schedule, especially any upcoming trips or visitors.  They deserve to know when they can and can’t lounge in their underpants.

10. Play Nice
Plan a weekly or monthly roomie night to touch base.  Offering to cook dinner or enjoying a night on the town will help keep the good vibes alive.

So there you have it.  No more excuses for being a crappy roommate.  Now go BE AWESOME!


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