What to Do This Weekend
Weekend plans look a lot different nowadays, eh? I’m sure you are as sick of reading stories that begin with, “In these unprecedented times” or “Our new reality.” So I’m going to skip the intro and the explanation …You are being a hero by staying home and protecting the health of your family and that of your neighbors. Thank you! Let me reward that good behavior with a list of a few things to keep you entertained this weekend.
Absurd Planet
It’s a ridiculous tongue in cheek nature show on Netflix. There are plenty of adult jokes disguised as nature facts. It’s child safe and adult approved. The whole family enjoyed it! If you are looking for a program the whole family can enjoy, add Absurd Planet to your watch list.
Watch Party
Speaking of Netflix, did you know you can watch a movie with friends long distance? Check out Netflix Party. It synchronizes everyone’s video playback and adds a chat feature. If you and your significant other aren’t quarantining together, this is certainly a fun date night option, too!
Date Night Dinner & Dessert
If you are homebound with your significant other, you’re probably ready to spice things up. Tasty did a great feature of creating a three-course meal from the pantry. I was impressed….especially when one of the courses was peanut butter cookies! Follow along and cook a great meal or just get inspired to create your own pantry date night!
We are sitting still so much more than usual. You need to give your joints and bones and muscles some love! Stretch them out! There are plenty of free stretching videos on YouTube and the like, but my number one recommendation is the Peloton App. They are offering a 90-day free trial right now, after that it’s $13/month. The full body stretches are 5-15 minutes long giving you plenty of options. Additionally, they have meditation, boot camp, running, and walking programs. (and no, I’m not an affiliate…I just think it’s a great app)
Try A New Summer Recipe
Yeah, cooking isn’t a groundbreaking suggestion. Approach it a little differently today. Think of it as a meditation. Take your time cleaning and cutting the fresh veggies or fruit. Maybe watch a Youtube video first and learn a new technique. Then when you are ready, take on one of these yummy summer recipes.
Last week I took a dance lesson to learn the moves to the Tik Tok ‘Savage’ dance. The instructor was amazing…I was a *mess*! But I haven’t laughed that hard in a while…and it used up a lot of energy! You can find plenty of lessons on YouTube or you can try a virtual class with Diva Dance DC. You can literally dance like nobody is watching! And who knows…maybe you will find some hidden talent!
Phone a Friend
….not for your sake, but for theirs. People are getting cabin fever. They need each other. Scroll through your phone and find the friend that you know lives alone or the friend you know wishes they were living alone, and give them shout. It doesn’t have to be a Zoom happy hour and it doesn’t have to be an hour long. You can simply share a happy memory you have with them. Small interactions and gestures go a long way right now.
That’s it for this week. As I find specific events or awesomeness, I will share a new post weekly! If you have ideas or events to include next week feel free to send them my hollib@apartminty.com or @Apartmentalist on Instagram.
Be Well!